band name-generator

Free AI Band Name Generator

Find the perfect name for your band with Kittl's AI band name generator.

Create assets that your fans can rock, loud and proud

Your band name is more than just a name; it's your identity. Now, let's create visuals that match your sound. Create your band logo, promote your music with album covers, posters, and social media posts, and design merchandise like T-shirts, stickers, and more, that your fans can show with pride. Explore our various templates that'll put your band's name in the spotlight.

Express your sound with stunning templates

Discover Kittl’s collection of templates created by our community of designers and customize them with your band name.


Generate a name that fits your sound

Kittl’s band name generator removes the stress of creating a name for your group, so you can focus on creating great music. Our AI-powered tool generates catchy and unique names that match your band's genre. From rock to jazz, metal to classical, our tool will create the perfect name that resonates with your sound and fans.


Find the perfect name with advanced features

Use our advanced options to fine-tune your band name and make it more specific to your genre and style, with only a couple of clicks. Choose a vibe, determine the influence, and even select your instrument focus and target audience for a more customized result. And with eight unique variations per generation, you'll find a name that hits all the right chords.


Design a unique band logo or album cover with Kittl

Kittl has the tools to turn your band name into a recognizable brand. Our AI-powered features let you or generate an image for your album cover. Customize any of our album cover or band logo templates using our design tools, including text effects and image library. Create mockups to see how your design will look on various merchandise and promotional items.


Frequently Asked Questions

What music genres does this generator support?

Kittl's band name generator can generate names for any music genre, including the following:

  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Hip Hop/Rap
  • Country
  • Electronic/Dance
  • R&B/Soul
  • Jazz
  • Metal
  • Folk
  • Blues
  • Disco
  • Reggae
  • Funk
  • Classical
  • Electronic
  • Salsa
  • Flamenco
  • K-Pop
  • Christian

Why should I generate my band name with Kittl?

Kittl’s band name generator is designed to produce unique and memorable brand names. Add information about your musicians and style of music either in writing via the prompt input, and also by filling the advanced options fields, which help you put in the relevant information without needing you to spell everything out yourself.

The AI model is then given a carefully crafted prompt taking into account the text you wrote as well as the answers you’ve given in the options fields. This helps return the best possible results. You can then choose your favorite output from 8 different variations - this makes Kittl’s band name generator a breeze to use.

Plus, once you’ve generated your perfect band name, you can seamlessly create a design for all your needs – from logos to album covers – thanks to Kittl’s design editor.

How can I make sure the generator will give me a satisfying name?

Make sure to fill the prompt with details and answer all the options provided. This will help the AI band name generator to produce a more tailored and relevant name for your band.

Can I generate several band names?

Absolutely! Generate eight names at a time, then tweak your prompt to generate as many band names as you want until you find the perfect one for your music.

What is the ideal name for a band?

A great band name should be memorable, catchy, and align with your music genre and style. Use our advanced tools to refine your name to suit your band's image and vision.

Is the band name generator free to use?

Kittl’s AI band name generator is completely free to use.

How can I use the generated names?

You can use the AI-generated band names commercially for any purpose. Once you've come up with your band's name, use our design tools and templates to create a unique logo for your group. Then insert your band logo in your album cover or Spotify profile picture.

What else do I need for my band's identity?

There are several ways to establish your band's identity, including:

Turn your band name into a brand name

You've got the name, now let's make it legendary. Create a logo, design your first album cover, or mock up some merch — all with Kittl's easy-to-use tools.